

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kylie 2 Months!!

So its been awhile since i have written and Kylie is getting sooo big :) she went for her 2 month checkup this week.. shes up to 11.5lb which puts her in the 43rd percentile and 23.5in which puts her in the 70th percentile. Shes fianlly out of her newbie diapers !!! She absolutely loves sitting up. she is soo observant these days. she wants to be able to see everything going on around her! its so cute when she is layn down and tries her darnest to sit up! her smiles are more frequent and she likes to babble which is awesome! its like she wants to have a conversation with you.

On September 24th we went to Florida. It was me, Kylie, Chelsea, Cayden, my mom, Kenzie and my mammaw. we drove and much to my suprise Kylie did awesome for the drive there and back. We got to take her to all new things. One day we went to Cocoa Beach. We put her lil bottom half in the water and took some pics. it was awesome..she slept the whole time though haha. Then we were able to take her to Disney World for the day. I bought her a little autograph book so she can look at it when she is bigger. At Disney World we met Repunzel from Tangled, Donald Duck, Mickey, Minnie, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Cinderella, Pluto and the Chipmunks. It was alot of fun. We went on Cayden and Kenzie's birthday. It was alot of fun i am glad they had a good birthday full of fun ! We also went to Hollywood Studios where we got to meet  Pooh, Mickey again, Mike from Monsters Inc, Handy Manny and a couple characters from Lil Einsteins.

We got home early on my birthday and from that day for the next week was not a good week. Kylie got sick with a tempature. We were at the ER til four am and they thought she had a UTI, her fever would not stay done, at one point at four am it got up to 103.9, it was very scary. After a few trips to the doctor it was concluded that she just had a virus and by Thursday Evening her fever was down. Thank goodness. By Friday she was 100% Kylie. We are very thankful. It is not a good feeling when your baby is sick there was nothing we could do but give her tylenol.